The African Migration and Development Policy Centre (AMADPOC) is an independent research consultancy firm established in 2008 by the world renowned migration and population studies expert, the late Professor John Oyaro Oucho (1943 - 2017). Prof Oucho was a post-doctoral fellow of the Carolina Population Center in the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, U.S.A (1982-83). He taught at University of Nairobi (3 decades), University of Ghana (3 years) and University of Botswana (8 years) where he trained many postgraduate students and contributed significantly to the academic development of these institutions. Professor Oucho authored over 250 pieces of work, including books, book chapters, refereed journal articles and conference papers. Prof. Oucho's 40 year career in the field of migration identified capacity, resource and knowledge gaps in the field in Kenya and the East African region which led to the development of AMADPOC. The AMADPOC was created to ensure that the migration issues reflect the perspectives and views of the issues of all key stakeholders from local to national to regional levels.
AMADPOC's activities focus on the migration-development nexus within SSA countries’ relations with the North and the rest of the South, understanding the mixed migration patterns in SSA countries and informing policy processes using research among others.
AMADPOC is a pioneer institution conducting and streamlining policy-oriented research, training and capacity building and facilitating policy dialogue events on various topical issues on migration and their interrelationship with the development within sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries.
AMADPOC creates a platform for African emerging, early career migration experts to develop their skills and voice their perspectives on the evolving subject matter. It creates engagement platforms for national and diaspora experts among others to share their knowledge and expertise on migration and development issues.
Migration in Africa is quite dynamic and establishing working relations with local/community and regional experts with a strong understanding of migration and development is important to the AMADPOC team. AMADPOC identifies and engages closely with national experts on migration related projects in different countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria as well as the African diaspora. Working with national experts helps to unpack the migration dynamics, make critical connections with key stakeholders as well as contribute to the development of knowledge on migration among others. Hence, AMADPOC is open to working with early career researchers, migration experts and policy analysts among others with a passion and interest in Africa.